Health Board demonstrates community commitment

ELITE Paper Solutions, a Social Enterprise based in Merthyr Tydfil, was appointed in December 2018 by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Hospital Board, to collect, destroy and recycle, confidential waste documents across all of their sites, estimated at around 250 tonnes of paper per year. The social enterprise offers training and employment opportunities to people with disabilities or those experiencing disadvantage, in South Wales.

The aim of the social enterprise is to be a progressive intermediate labour market resource, where organisations can refer individuals for support and vocational development, which will aid their future transition to employment, volunteering or further learning in the community, due to their increased skills, development of confidence, self-esteem, independence and finances.

Demonstrating forward thinking in relation to the use of social enterprise, the health board intends to successfully meet corporate social responsibility objectives and support elements of the Welsh Government’s Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act, which aims to make Wales a better place to live, now and in the future.

Wayne Burnett, waste and transport manager at the health board, said: “Elite Paper Solutions provides an excellent service for the collection, destruction and subsequent recycling of confidential paper waste, which supports the health board in maintaining GDPR compliance. Their staff are always helpful and prepared to go the ‘extra mile’ in the service they provide. Our use of their service complements the health board’s Corporate Responsibility objectives, and supports the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act objective for ‘a more equal Wales’ – A society that enables people to fulfil their potential no matter what their background or circumstances (including their socioeconomic background and circumstances).”

By offering contracts to organisations such as ELITE, demonstrates that procurement can be undertaken in a way that delivers real outcomes for the people in the community, supporting the Better Jobs Closer to Home initiative which is part of the Welsh Government’s foundational economy plans.

ELITE Paper Solutions believe every citizen has a contribution to make, and, given the correct level of intervention and support, enable the improvement in their quality of life, where they are also contributing positively to their communities and helping regeneration throughout Wales.

Andrea Wayman, CEO at ELITE, said: “We are proud and delighted to be working with Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB. We are dedicated to offering employment, volunteering and training opportunities to people who may be living with challenges in our community, whilst also being able to assist organisations reduce their carbon footprint through the effective recycling of their waste. Awarding this contract to ELITE Paper Solutions is a clear demonstration that the health board are committed to ensuring the realisation of these aims.”
